Goalkeeping: Catch and Release
GK catching and then quick distribution.
Goalkeeping: Face-Off
1 v 1 GoalKeeper vs GoalKeeper.
Goalkeeping: Hands Warmup
quick game of catch, to warm up.
Goalkeeping: Knees Diving
diving mechanics from the knees..
Goalkeeping: Pairs Passing and Catching
Goal Keepers recieving on their feet and hands and distribution.
Goalkeeper Distribution
Goal Keeper various distribution techniques.
Goalkeeper Footwork
Goal Keeping agility with left an right movement.
How do do a collapse dive
GK diving either side to save the ball on the ground.
How to do a diamond catch
diamond hand position catching techniques.
How to punt the ball
kicking from your hands (AFL style). NB. we can not use this technique till U13 but you can always start to develop this earlier.
How to do a sidewinder punt
kicking from hands (AFL style). NB. we can not use this technique till U13. This is a dififcult technique which takes longer to master, you can start to develop this technique earlier, so when you are allowed to use it, you are able to.