Intro to Football Program


Date TBA

Event information

This event is full.

Update:  At this stage the Intro to Football Program is at capacity however, please still register your interest via the link below to be put on the waitlist. We will be in touch if more spots open up. Reminder this is an introductory program for women hoping to try football for the very first time. 

Waitlist Here:

Are you or someone you know new to football and would like to see what the hype is all about but don't know where to start??

Or maybe you're someone who used to play and wants to get back into it but isn't quite sure they are ready to join a team.

Well, have we got the program for you. This 5 week introduction to Football program for Women and Girls is the perfect place to start.

For the first 4 weeks we will be focusing on the skills and techniques you will need to harness your inner Hayley Raso and in no time you will be kicking goals like Kerr.

For the final week we will be running a fun tournament to round out the program and show case your new skills in small sided games.

Has this peaked your interest..? If it has, make sure to click the register button and fill in your details to secure your spot in this FREE program, proudly brought to you by Football Canterbury and NSW Gov Football Legacy program.

This program is for women/girls aged 15 and above. 

If you have any questions regarding the program, please ensure you reach out to