Football Canterbury’s 2023 Rep League season has come to an end, with expressions of interest now open for the 2024 program.
Sixteen teams represented Football Canterbury, along with more than 250 players and coaches, participating in matches both within the association, and also against teams from other districts.
The development program was also bolstered by the sponsorship of U. Personal Training, and Technical & Game Development Manager Andrew Morris said that the strength and value of the program had only increased throughout the year.
“We are very pleased with the Rep League and the valuable structure and support it’s highlighting to our clubs.” Morris said.
“The feedback we have received across the participants has been very positive, and any players interested should register their interest for the 2024 edition.”
More than 90% of participants surveyed indicated they were exposed to a very high level of quality relative to their own club matches, with a similar number indicating the Rep League provided a high level of value to them.
Morris added that he was happy to see the response to the Rep League, and hoped to see it achieve even more in developing Football Canterbury’s junior male and female footballers moving forward.
“The Rep League is all about setting a high standard for the association in terms of player capabilities and games played,” he said.
Football Canterbury Chairman Nick Kambounias echoed Morris’ thoughts and praised the impact of Rep League locally.
“As it continues to grow into the future, I am confident it will achieve a higher standard and bring great benefits to our association and to our young footballers,” Kambounias said
“Best of all, players get to play and train at a higher standard for very little cost. ”
To express an interest in Rep League 2024, please click here. Trials will be hosted in 2024 for the new program.