Check out some of the strange and funny facts from some of our clubs!
Abbotsford was a part of the NSW Protestant Churches Soccer Football Association from the mid 1970’s to the early 1990’s – when it returned to the CDSFA.
In 1977, before the introduction of female teams, Sarah Kew was the only girl on Balmain’s books as she played for the under 8’s.
Burwood managed quite an incredible feat with one of their teams claiming the Champion of Champions and State Cup in 2005, 2007 and 2011.

Image: Newspaper exceprt from Burwood's U/21's winning side in 2011. Image: Supplied
Did you know the founders of Canterbury Junior Football Club met on a vacant block in 1923 where the Canterbury Hotel now stands.
One of Canterbury’s first home grounds (Goodlets Bush) is where the Canterbury Racecourse’s parking area is situated today.
Lakemba Sports & Recreation Club is one of Australia’s oldest soccer clubs, founded in 1917.
During the middle of the 20th century, Hurlstone Park players were responsible for mowing the lawn at their home ground while they used lime to mark their fields!
Leichhardt Saints FC was founded by police sergeant Reg Dowton in the mid 1960’s and was originally named the Leichhardt Police and Citizens Youth Club (LPCYC).
One of Australia’s most decorated football players, Tim Cahill, began his career at Marrickville.
Brother, sister combo Bernie and Princess Ibini began their football careers as juniors at Earlwood Football Club.

Image: Bernie-Ibini (third from right) representing Earlwood Wanderers in 1999. Image: Supplied
CDSFA Chairman, Armando Gardiman AM, was a driving force behind Five Dock’s success before he made the move into the top job at the association.
Brett Holman spent seven years as a junior at Enfield Rovers before embarking on his highly successful career that took him across the globe.

Image: Grace Martin - Co-Founder of Roselands FC with her husband and fellow CDSFA life member, Tony (bottom right)
CDSFA Life Members, Grace and Tony Martin founded Roselands Football Club in 1972.
Founded in 1997, Sydney Rangers is Australia’s first and Sydney’s only gay and inclusive men’s soccer club.

Photo: Sydney Rangers new logo for the 2022 campaign. Image: Supplied
Mr P FC is a club born out of men’s mental health organization, Mr Perfect.

Image: Mr P FC. Image: Supplied